Posted for adoption on Jan 31, 2013 | 0 comments
Ah Lela! She dreams of being a mermaid and being swept away by a handsome merman prince. But she knows that only happens in fairytales- mermaids, that is. She is thrilled about being a turtle. After all, she can call any place home with her home on her back. She is always looking for a sunny spot to nestle into. All of Lela’s best friends are snails. She has a lot in common with them. That’s not to say she doesn’t have plenty of turtle friends, but the snails have made her a special guest ever since she helped them build their snail castle. Lela enjoys make believing she’s trapped on an island and has gone to live with the native snails forever. Her favorite beverage is mushroom tea which she often enjoys with a maple scone or a poppyseed muffin. Lela is a Virgo.